Friday, March 07, 2008

Blog test... no internet connection at home (sucks big time), tries to blog at work but firewall settings blocking blogger, relies on proxy sites instead but still can't upload pics (lame)... No free coffee... It's a great start.

Sunday, December 31, 2006, my it's been a while...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Nice to know my blogspots still alive. Got no time for myself lately, so little time so many things to do. Pero konting tiis na lang malapit na...kinakabahan ako, sobra.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sorry to disappoint, but im not dead yet...just busy, but i'll be back with the blog-business soon! (I hope.)

Monday, May 23, 2005

Achaa, hisashiburi. Been busy about a lot lately, work, priorities & other stuff that requires attention. The gods were kind enough to spare some time for myself (about time!). Watched a couple of movies: Ridley Scotts Kingdom of heaven & George Lucas' Episode 3. I liked Kingdom of heaven, Scott & his team gave us their insight or a sort of "what if" about the crusades. What if there was a person that could have changed the crusades fate, but instead chosed pride & dignity. I like the effects, the way he describes the place & time, the dark ages and the way he coreographed war (Camera angles, level of gore, sounds, when to cut scenes, everything). Bloom portrayed his role well, although I believe it could have been better. I also liked his character the swordman-blacksmith-engineer-tactician type. the actors played their characters well, except for that french king guy (sorry forgot the name) So overall this movie goes in my ace list for war themed movies. On the other hand, the movie episode three: revenge of the sith is a big so-so. Lucas could have make it at least 3 hours or maybe even longer than that to explain a lot of things what happened before episode 4 but for unknown reasons, Lucas only made it at least a couple of hours & 15 minutes tops to compress everything. *Some spoiler alert* I didnt like the way he made the droids to be a bit human-like & the part where r2 outsmarted a couple of battle droids. & How Anakins transformation to evil isnt that convincing, its lame. Episode 3s is supposed to be serious & dark. For petes sake its the destruction of the galactic senate & the jedi order by the sith & most of all its anakins transition to darth vader. Kulang na kulang, there are a lot of things that he could include & explain but Lucas' didnt even bother to put it in the movie. Was it just some luck when he made episode 4-6 phenomenal? Anyway on a non-movie topic, tried to watch Encantadia again for the last time & its official, It sucks. Sayang yung kwento, sinira lang nila...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Housechore day. No work but still a lot of things to do, take out trash, laundry, need to buy a new LPG & other stuff that I havent done for years. No LSS today but Ive been humming michelle branchs "goodbye to you" for quite some time, wonder why. House cleaning feels good while listening to music, im feeling alternative so sugarray, matchbox 20, incubus & others are up. Been busy these past few days, & its all about work plus some other responsibilities but somehow im feeling better now.

I really need a vacation. Alone.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Not sure if this is LSS or not but this time its the opening theme of the anime "Naruto" thats stuck in my head. This is cool, a new song gets stuck in my head for a day.

Some of us have difficulties accepting/handling the truth whatever the case is. We often deny it by explaining or reasoning it out to others or to ourselves, trying to find a "valid" reason to such a thing or we just simply say "thats not true". I guess one of the worse things that we do when we cant accept the truth is to fool or lie to ourselves. That what we have heard or just realized wasnt really the truth but just a bad thought or a just a big fat lie, which mostly ends up in a cliche "living a lie". Can you live a lie? We may sometimes fool others but you can never fool yourself, & its a sad pity if you think you can do so.

in other news...

overly self-absorbed vain people are having the crisis of their lives choosing their brand of make-up. Talk about priorities...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Another LSS & its Sum41's "In too deep" this time. That I like.

Still cant think of a decent layout for my blog, crud. Its been quite a while since i've read any decent books & im starting to miss it. A friend told me about Pratchetts new releases & I bet its worth checking out. Nothing to do right now but organize my mp3s, got a bunch of new stuffs, mostly its classical/orchestral & this time its from carmina burana (a czech philhamonic orchestra) not quite familiar with but its new to my ears so im good with it. While listening it
reminded me of the anime vision of escaflowne, I like the opening theme. Daydream mode: I guess I could also do the same thing for one of my stories, a fantasy swords & magic theme then the opening themes sort of orchestral. End of daydream.

Lots of things thats going through my head right now. Dreams, Reality, Frustrations, Problems, Life. My head really hurts right now. Must focus, must concentrate. May God help me on my desicions.

Still sick, I thinks its getting worse.

Just browsing on my PC & I found myself reading the stories that me & some of my friends made. Looking at some character designs, read the storylines again, made some new additions & started to dream again, like an old movie projector that starts to play again. Oh yeah, still good. I already made some opening themes & even music videos for it. One of thems from Linkin Park's Faint & the theme story is science fiction (imagine starcraft type). for those who know how the music goes, you can just imagine. Music starts slow, then a beat comes in. & the scene is inside a battlecruiser on red alert, everybodys running to their posts & scene goes to the launchpad & follows a pilot waiting for the go signal. & when the guitar comes in & the drums get strong, thats when the fighters lifts off, then the camera will follow & it'll show outer space & a lot of battleships gunning each other with dog-fights all around. Then lead singer sings & then it shows the pilot inside his cockpit doing his thing. Chorus comes in & imagine a scene from a macross dog-fight (like missile dodging!). You really have to hear it out from me than reading it here if you really want to capture what im trying to say, coz frankly im not really good at words. I could go on forever telling stories like this, but nobodies listening here. Im losing hope thats why im thinking, will nippon be the place then? We'll never know unless we try I guess. Gah, its running in my head again...

Too sick to customize my blogspot, guess i'll do it when I feel alot better.