Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Still sick, I thinks its getting worse.

Just browsing on my PC & I found myself reading the stories that me & some of my friends made. Looking at some character designs, read the storylines again, made some new additions & started to dream again, like an old movie projector that starts to play again. Oh yeah, still good. I already made some opening themes & even music videos for it. One of thems from Linkin Park's Faint & the theme story is science fiction (imagine starcraft type). for those who know how the music goes, you can just imagine. Music starts slow, then a beat comes in. & the scene is inside a battlecruiser on red alert, everybodys running to their posts & scene goes to the launchpad & follows a pilot waiting for the go signal. & when the guitar comes in & the drums get strong, thats when the fighters lifts off, then the camera will follow & it'll show outer space & a lot of battleships gunning each other with dog-fights all around. Then lead singer sings & then it shows the pilot inside his cockpit doing his thing. Chorus comes in & imagine a scene from a macross dog-fight (like missile dodging!). You really have to hear it out from me than reading it here if you really want to capture what im trying to say, coz frankly im not really good at words. I could go on forever telling stories like this, but nobodies listening here. Im losing hope thats why im thinking, will nippon be the place then? We'll never know unless we try I guess. Gah, its running in my head again...

Too sick to customize my blogspot, guess i'll do it when I feel alot better.


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